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Branding, day 3: Building your online brand while - Multiple Stream ...

A lot of people we talk to are afraid to brand themselves, due to fear of getting fired from their current jobs?

I promised we?d revisit the topic of building your brand while maintaining a day job, so let?s get right to it!

The first thing worth mentioning, is that yes?it?s very possible to brand yourself while still working for someone else. If you have a positive outlook on everything, you?ll have a lot more energy and enthusiasm to work with, as well.

Tip #1 ? Blogging

If you?re running a blog, you don?t necessarily HAVE to put your name behind it.

This makes it easier to create the content you want, but also keep in mind that you?ll be better off if you avoid making comments that, if someone were to figure it out, could hurt your job.

Of course, that?s only if you?re bashing your job or giving away personal information (a bad idea in itself).

In most cases, what you?re talking about online and trying to offer will be completely unrelated to your full-time job.

Tip #2 ? Pen Names

The benefit of having a name behind your blog, is that it gives your readers an actual person to connect with.

If you agree and want to put some extra personality behind what you?re doing, you could always use a pen name.

Some people feel as though they?re being unethical by doing this, but it?s completely legal, common, and ethical. In fact, there are many famous authors that have used a pen name, for one reason or another.

Tip #3 ? Balancing Work And Branding/Business

Another common concern that comes up, is how to manage work AND branding.

To start with, are there any time wasters you could kick to buy yourself some more time?

If you have a favorite show you like to watch, giving it up while you build your business could easily give you an extra two and a half hours each week.

Block out distractions like Facebook and Youtube for part of the day.

You could also go to bed an hour later, or wake up an hour earlier.

You can use lists to plan your tasks out in advance, so when you find the time to work on your business?you?re a lot more productive.

Try using a timer to keep yourself focused?

Whatever tricks you use, the important thing is to prioritize your time!

Tip #4 ? ?Should I stay or should I go??

In a perfect world, you could wake up tomorrow and never go in to work for someone else again, and suddenly have all the time in the world to pursue your dreams.

Of course, it?s not always that easy, which is why you should consider the risk vs. all of your current responsibilities.

Doing what you want and love is great, but will it make you enough money (and soon enough) to cover your bills, family, and expenses?

Most people choose to use the full-time job to fund their goals part-time, until they get enough momentum and can take the leap out on their own.

With these tips in mind, do you think it?s possible to build your brand while working a full-time job?

Share you opinion, by clicking here.

Also, if you missed the update?our shopping cart is working properly again. If you still haven?t claimed your discount, click here now to get started.

Abe Cherian
1 (845) 383-1007

PS ? We?re going to keep the sale running, since it turns out the cart problem existed this entire time. If you have yet to get access to your discount, click here now and it will automatically be applied.

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Source: http://www.multiplestreammktg.com/blog/branding-day-3-building-your-online-brand-while-keeping-your-job/

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